Copyright. Dewbury Dream Goldens. 
All rights reserved.

From Antoniette: "I sat outside with Ida on the 4th of July, and fireworks didn't phase her a bit....THANK YOU for all your hard work in making this happen!!

From Jared: "You....Are....Amazing!!!! You know I am a big Dewbury fan, and how you take the time to bring these puppies to the point that when they go to their home, they are ready to progress & progress. The only part I am confused by is how in the world you can let them go, because I would have all of them in my house, running around me, and telling the owners, "sorry, they're not available anymore!!" 

From Brianne: "We are SO grateful to you!!! I still can't watch my daughters reaction to us telling her we were getting a dog without crying! You have given us an INCREDIBLE dog wiich has made my kids so very happy!

From Denise: "Your are the BEST breeder I've ever known! What beautiful, loving and trained puppies that comes from your home....It's not an easy job, doing what you do!"

From April: "All the work you put into these little ones really shows. You definitely set up our guy for success, he's an all star traveler, absolutely fearless, and he LOOOOOOOOVES all the people. You're AMAZING!!

From Nirvana: "Cookie was so good on the plane. She loved her carrier and slept most of the time. She loves snuggling everyone. She has been playful and also trying out all the sleeping locations inside and outside. WE LOVE HER!!

From Sue: "Your gave us the MOST WONDERFUL pet. Thandi is doing so well as a therapy dog for people with asperger's and autism. She is so sweet, gentle and loving. She has helped so many people. Recently helped a young man in our neighborhood suffering from awful depression. Mom asked if he could walk her and spend time with her in our backyard. WOW!! What a difference Thandi has made in so many lives!!

From John: "We LOVE our Golden from you!! We did a lot of research about you and got references from other breeders. We were VERY intentional to NOT get a puppy from a puppy mill. We were VERY impressed with how you train the puppies to acquaint them with needed social skill. We could tell you love them all. We appreciated how you also checked us out. Our Sophie will be 2 years old next month, and we couldn't be happier!"

From Marcia:I loved meeting Britta and her wonderful Goldens! They are very well behaved and gorgeous. Hope to see Britta and her new additions when it's time to get another Golden. Kiko has been a dream since he's blessed my home and Mochi, my 4 year old, loves him. Britta couldn't have picked out a better puppy for my family!!"

From Nikko: Britta Goes above & beyond as a breeder. Our trip back home to Southern California, when we picked up Lacey last March was AMAZING! Lacey slept the entire drive home, knew how to use the doggie-door and was housebroken from day 2, thanks to Britta's hard work and love!"

From Teri: "Anyone who is wanting to know....I have a Dewbury puppy, and Britta is the very best at what she does with her puppies....It's truly AMAZING!! 

I have been to her house, and she does everything she says and much more. There is no one that loves her dogs and each puppy more than her! Having a Dewbury Puppy makes you feel like part of the family and we have a page we can keep track of the puppies and their accomplishments. Grandma Dewbury, Eloise sends her love!"

From Lisa: "Oh how I have enjoyed watching them grow up and reach so many developmental milestones because of the enormous love and personal interest you have for each of these precious pups. You have prepared them to be happy, successful and independent bundles of unconditional love as they move into the next chapter of their lives with their new forever families. What a beautiful journey!"

From Kristie: "Gracie is an exceptional puppy, she is easily distracted and entertained. Vet said she is everything a Golden Retriever should be. She is SO beautiful and at times she just takes my breath away!"

From Tulau: "You are loved for what you do for this breed! You are a breeder of the highest of integrity, love and respect you give to each and everyone of your puppies."

From Piroschka: "You are like an open book. I wish  every breeder would be like you! For me, you ARE the best breeder out there!!

From Christine, Who is training her puppy to become a Service Dog: Every day is an adventure for little Peachy. I seriously feel like things are going so well as they are because of all of the effort YOU put into making sure your puppies have the best start to life. I am SO endlessly thankful to you!"

From Debby: Our Gracie runs to the door for every storm! She loves to sit on the porch or be out in the storm. The Dewbury Puppies are SO well desensitized that very few things can make them nervous!"

From Danette: "Kingston is seriously THE BEST dog ever!!!!!

From Reese: "Frosty/Mr Bean is now at his home with my dad. He was a Father's Day surprise for my dad who was lonely. I was lucky enough to spend a week with him prior to taking him to my dad, and I was pretty sad to let him go, and I have already told Britta that  I will be back next spring for one of her precious puppies. 

Frosty was a trooper on both of the road trips. He is a true love Bug! His favorite sleeping place is right up in my hair."

From Pat: "We live in Las Vegas and people here shoot off BIG fireworks for almost every holiday. Wyatt loves them!! He likes to go outside ans watch the sky light up and the loud boom does not bother him one little bit!!"

From Kristina: "I've been meaning to tell you. Barkley is doing SO good with nail trimming! I've found if I start it when he's sleepy, he lets me clip them if I give him belly rubs in between and a treat after. He just stays laying down. Today was a nail clipping day, and it was SO quick and easy...Thank you!"

From Kelly: "I loved meeting Britta & her wonderful goldens. They are very well behaved and gorgeous!! Kiko has been a dream since he's blessed my home, and Mochi, my 4 year old loves him. Britta couldn't have picked out a better puppy for my family. 

From Cherry: "He has turned out to be a great boy, he has impeccable manners when engaging with other dogs.....NO aggression what so ever!!"

From Carole: "I am amazed by the work you put into your puppies! I can tell it's truly a labor of love. I can't think of anything better than having a Dewbury Puppy!"

From Terri: "Thank you, thank you for taking the pups for car rides so many times. Cuesta is an amazing traveler. She has never once gotten car sick and is calm and peaceful in the car. She basically sleeps the entire time! I attribute this to your diligence when the pups were with you. 

From one of Connor's puppy families, who's dog is a Guide Dog for a blind man. "Thank you for our wonderful gift of my amazing guide dog, Jake.....He has given me my life back!"

"I can now once again enjoy the independence, freedom and joy of traveling with a guide dog by my side."

"And what an excellent guide dog he is. Every time Jake and I cross a busy street or maneuver around obstacles, I will thank each of you and your kindness and generosity. I promise you that I  am going to make Jake feel like the luckiest dog in the world!"

From Lisa, a Professional Dog Trainer: "Boulder's success is all because you your hard work! Britta Nielson bred a GREAT puppy, and I'm here to say, Boulder's accomplishments lay squarely on Britta's shoulders!!"

From Brian: "Prior to picking up Miss Ida, Britta kept our little fur-baby occupied with extensive playtime, so she would be tired and sleep for our long drive home. What I doll!! She was so eager to climb up on my shoulder, and when she did, she fell fast asleep. However, she did comfortably and confidently nap in her crate as well. The truck ride didn't phase her a but, and no accidents! Yay! She ate, drank, and did her business at our stops."

When we arrived home, she played, peed, and went to sleep for the whole night!!

Today, she is active and happy and is adjusting better than expected! 

All in all, it is the result of the loving care and consistency that Britta instilled upon her with her phenomenal Breeding Program! I give MUCH thanks and gratitude to this Godsend of a woman that she has given this foundation to Ida, all her puppies, and to her new and fortunate families. Luckily....My husband and I are one of them!!

Britta picked out the PERFECT puppy for our family!

From Tara: "You are the most dedicated, educated, hard working/no sleeping, 24 hour a day dog breeder I know! I have never met someone who cares for and trains their puppies as well as you do! AND they are welcomed back with open arms anytime!! You are awesome!

From Jacob: "Thank you for your wonderful gift of my amazing guide dog, Jake. He has given me my life back. I can now once again enjoy the independence, freedom and joy of traveling with a guide dog by my side. And what an excellent guide dog he is! Every time, Jake and I cross a busy street or maneuver around obstacles, I will thank each of your and your great kindness and generosity. I promise you that I'm going to make jake feel like the luckiest dog in the world!!

From Dave: "Nacho is the best thing that's happened to me in the last few years!

From Jennifer: "Your program is what all breeders should aspire to be like. I've followed you for a LONG time because I considered getting one of your puppies for seizure alert/response. While I have a GSD now instead of a golden, I love learning from you. You have allowed me  to pick your brain on mulitible occations, for which I am grateful, as you seem to truly care about ALL dogs & people."

From Becky: "Britta's Puppy Program really works! Atticus won't blink at a nuclear explosion and thunder lightening and rain are just meh!!"

From Susanne: "I have no idea what you charge for one of your precious puppies, but it is NOT enough!! You are an OUTSTANDING breeder. It is so important to purchase a puppy from a reputable breeder, and you are DEFINITELY one!!

From Mindy: "I have gotten my last 4 Goldens from a highly reputable breeder in CO, who is now retired. Your fabulous posts and what you do with your puppies for the first 8 weeks of their lives is SO helpful! As far as I'm concerned I have no idea what you charge for one of your precious puppies, but it IS worth every red cent and probably not enough for the return that these new puppy owners will get in return! People like you are rare!!! You are the most FABULOUS GOLDEN BREEDER EVER!!!"

From Kristina: "Gosh this little guy was worth every penny and then some! You are amazing at what you do with these pups. I still can't get over what a sweet boy he is!! Thank you for picking the perfect pup for our family. 

From Tracey: "We have had Willow/Princess Mathilde for 8 days now, and she is a dream!! She is such a great traveler in the car, and she loves her crate for sleeping, ans she is so enamored with her big sister & Dewbury Dog, Skandi. Willow has also figured out when and where to go potty! Such a little smartie pants!! Thank you Britta for two AMAZING Dewbury Dream Goldens Girls! You give so much TLC to your pups in their first 8 weeks, and it really makes the transistion to their new family so easy!"

From Roseanne: Winston enjoyed the Blue Angles in their F-18's and F-35 LOUDLY blasting right over our house Saturday and Sunday, and we watched them from the driveway. The only thins he didn't like about our airshow experience, was the HOT June sunshine!"

From Susan: "You have the best puppy program that I've seen recorded. Walking the talk AND showing how it's done. ABSOLUTELY fabulous!!"

From Candice, a breeder in Texas: "Yesterday King Harald made the trip home to Houston Texas with me and my Daughter. Britta Nielson did a fabulous job preparing him for our plane ride. Everything went smoothly and he has settled in pretty well with my older two goldens! 

We have continued King Harald's training, and he did Perfectly! 

Thank you Britta for all the hard work you put into our babies....It shows!!"

From Emily, another Breeder: "Hi Britta, I have followed you for a long time now, and I absolutely love everything about your breeding program!" "You do an amazing job with your puppies!...Keep up the good work!"

From Heidi, a Service Dog Trainer: "You and the phenomenal work you do raising healthy, well-balanced puppies is a rainbow in this world. 

From Mavis a Professional Trainer in WA: "OMG! Boulder is a natural - Calm, Thoughtful, Obedient, Patient, Stable...All the qualities of a natural Service Dog Prospect!! It helps that he has such a great mom, Roxanne, who is willing to invest a ton of time and money into his future, and that he came from such a conscientious breeder, Britta Nielson, who spends the time to raise her puppies right!"

From Deborah: "You are such an incredible breeder@ The work you put into those precious babies is mind boggling! I hope to get one of your puppies soon"